Is there a spot in your neighborhood that could use some additional care? Adopt-a-Spot is a program that provides the encouragement and the tools necessary for Covington residents to clean up and beautify a spot of their choosing. This spot must be on public property or in the public right-of-way, and can include traffic islands, sidewalks, trails, parks, storm drains, and streets or blocks. Participants can maintain their spot any number of ways: by cleaning litter, picking weed, removing graffiti, planting greenery. Through a partnership with the City of Covington’s Solid Waste and Recycling Division, Keep Covington Beautiful provides participants with a kit which includes litter grabbers and gardening supplies.
For a map of existing Adopt-a-Spot sites in Covington, please click here or see the map below.
If you would like to adopt-a-spot, please fill out the form below. You will receive an email, with information regarding when and where to pick up your supplies.